Güncel Gönderiler: TR-Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 1180, listelenen: 161-180
Evaluation of torsion and twist mechanics of the left ventricle in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
(2016)Objective: Myocardial involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) has great importance. The aim of this study is to evaluate the rotation and twisting mechanics of the left ventricle (LV) in patients with SLE.Methods: ... -
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Guided Vacuum Assisted and Core Needle Biopsies
(2016)Objective: The purpose of this study to present the results of Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guided cutting needle biopsy procedures of suspicious breast lesions that can be solely detected on Magnetic resonance (MR) ... -
Compliance, persistence, and preference outcomesof postmenopausal osteoporotic women receivinga flexible or fixed regimen of daily risedronate:A multicenter, prospective, parallel group study
(2015)Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the level of compliance and persistence in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis (OP) receiving daily risedronate (5 mg) with either fixed dosing of three different timing ... -
Obesity Associated With Active, But Preserved Joints in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results From our National Registry
(2016)Objectives: This study aims to investigate the prevalence of obesity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and associations with disease outcomes.Patients and methods: The study population comprised of 1,038 patients ... -
The management of renal candidiasis in a newborn infant with posterior urethral valve
(2004)Renal candidiasis with fungal bezoars in the newborn infant is rarely encountered. We report a newborn with renal candidiasis and posterior uretral valve treated by local irrigation of the kidneys (three weeks) with ... -
Bası yarası karsinomu: Bir olgu bildirisi
(1995)Observation.- Pressure sore carcinomas are ra¬rely seen. They have a high recurrence rate with poor prognosis. Generally they require radical sur¬gical excision and elective lymph node dissection. A male patient ... -
Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles of the Two Porcine Salmonella Typhimurium Isolates
(2016)The aim of the study is to detect the presence of the Salmonella species in swine with diarrhea, and to investigate their antimicrobial resistance and extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) and/or AmpC ?-lactamase production. ... -
Cardiac calcified amorphous tumors: CT and MRI findings
(2016)RPOSE We aimed to evaluate computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of cardiac calcified amorphous tumors (CATs). METHODSCT and MRI findings of cardiac CATs in 12 patients were included. We ... -
A missed Behçet's case presenting with spontaneous epidural hematoma
(2015)Spinal vascular events related to Behçet's disease are relatively uncommon. Deep vein thrombosis is the most frequent vascular involvement. Anticoagulant therapy is a debated issue in Behçet's disease. In ... -
Transkranyal perforan yaralanma "Olgu sunumu"
(1999)Trans cranial perforating injuries are uncommon. Recently We treated a l4year old boy, who sustained a trans cranial spanner injury. The patient was admitted to our emergency department without any neurological disfunction. ... -
Yutak yarığı anomalileri
(2000)Yutak yarığı anomalileri boyun kitleleri ayırıcı tanısında düşünülmesi gereken bir grup doğumsal hastalıktır. Embriyolojik gelişim kusuru sonucu oluşan bu anomaliler, ait oldukları yarığın gelişimine uygun lokalizasyon ve ... -
The effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) when used postoperatively in skin grafting over radiated tissue in the rat
(2004)Under conditions that may risk the success of flap surgery, free skin grafting may be an option for the reconstruction of the irradiated area. Clinical observations reveal that skin grafts applied to irradiated area undergo ... -
An unusual complication following total hip arthroplasty: median circumflex femoral artery pseudoaneurysm
(2014)We report a case of a pseudoaneurysm of the medial circumflex femoral artery that presented 4 months following cementless left total hip arthroplasty (THA). A successful embolization was achieved using super-selective ... -
A new idea on the treatment of temporomandibular internal derangement: Repairing the disc with cell seeding
(2009)Yaygın görülen bir temporomandibuler eklem (TME) rahatsızlığı olan internal bozukluk (IB), TME diskinin yerdeğiştirmesi ve disfonksiyonudur. ID için pek çok tedavi modalitesi önerilmiştir. Hipotezimize göre geç dönem ID ... -
Selim paroksismal pozisyonel vertigo tanılı hastalarda partikülü yeniden yerleştirici manevraya habitüasyon egzersizi ileve etmenin tedavi etkinliği ve yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkileri
(2003)Vestibüler rehabilitasyon direnen vertigo ataklarında giderek daha popüler olmaktadır. Benign Paroksismal Pozisyonel Vertigo (BPPV) tedavisinde uygulanan ve partikülü yeniden yerleştici manevra olarak bilinen Epley manevrası ... -
Penetran transorbital uzanımlı intrakraniyal yabancı cisim
(2006)Yedi yaşında erkek çocuk, sol gözüne sanayi tipi dikiş makinesi iğnesinin batması şikayeti ile acil servise getirildi. Dikiş iğnesi sol orbitadan girerek sfenoid kemiği delmiş ve sol temporal lobun dura yaprakları içine ... -
Pediatrik Transport
(2018)Yenidoğan transportu dünyada risk taşıyan hizmetler arasında yer almaktadır. Yenidoğan transportu ile ilgili yapılan araştırma sonuçlarına göre, bu alanda Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD) ve Avustralya en iyi bakım ve ... -
Çene osteomyelitleri
(2000)Üst veya alt çenede kemik infeksiyonu olan 23 hastada lezyonun özellikleri ve klinik belirtileri incelenmiştir. Osteomyelit iki hastada maksillada ve 21 hastada mandibulada yer almış olup 9'u post travmatik, 8'i odontojenik ... -
Sternal metastazlı uterus leiomyosarkomu
(2005)Uterus leiomyosarkomları zayıf metastaz eğilimi olan nadir yumuşak doku tümörleridir. En sık, akciğerler, karaciğer ve beyine metastaz yaparlar. Bu olgu sunumunda sternuma metastaz yapan nüks uterus leiomyosarkomunun ... -
Antenatal sonographic diagnosis of diffuse cavernous hemangioma of the uterus
(2014)Uterusun kavernöz hemanjiyomu, endometriyal polip veya myoma benzeyen bir kitle şeklinde ortaya çıkabileceği gibi (lokalize tip), uterus duvarında normal myometriumun yerini alan geniş vaskuler boşluklar şeklinde de (diffüz ...