Bronchoscopic Treatment of Benign Endoluminal Lung Tumors
Background and Aim. Endobronchial benign tumors are a rarely seen clinical entity but may cause significant symptoms. Endobronchial treatment has the potential for relieving symptoms while saving the patient from invasive surgical procedures. No trials have been published that present and compare the various endobronchial treatment modalities for endobronchial benign tumors. The aim of the present study is to define safety and efficacy of endobronchial treatment in patients with benign endobronchial tumors from the point of complications and success rate. Methods. This study is a retrospective cohort study from a review of medical charts. Eligibility criteria included diagnosis of a benign endobronchial tumor. Our institution's bronchoscopy and pathology database was searched for specific benign tumors, and the results were further detailed based on the endobronchial location. Results. Forty-four patients with pathologically confirmed benign endobronchial tumors were included. Tumor regression was achieved in all patients with diode laser and argon plasma coagulation in combination with or without cryotherapy and without any major complication. There were no significant differences between the use of either diode laser or of argon plasma coagulation as a modality with immediate effect from the occurrence of residual tissue that needed cryotherapy (P>0.05). There were no major complications. Eight patients had minor complications including minor bleeding (6 patients) and hypertension (2 patients) that were controlled medically. Thirty-one patients (70%) had very good response, and 13 patients (30%) had good response as defined in literature before. Conclusion. Diode laser and argon plasma coagulation in combination with or without cryotherapy are safe and effective methods for endobronchial treatment of benign endobronchial tumors.