Meme kanseri hücre soylarında beta katenin ve proliferasyon ilişkisi
Karan, Aslı. (2006). Meme Kanseri Hücre Soylarında Beta Katenin Ve Proliferasyon İlişkisi. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. İstanbul : İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.Özet
Bu çalısmada meme kanseri hücre soyları MDA-MB 231, MCF-7 ve T47D
hücrelerinde katenin ve fosfo katenin ekspresyonu immünositokimyasal olarak
incelendi. MDA-MB 231 hücrelerinde nükleer lokalizasyonlu katenin ekspresyonu
saptandı. Fosfo katenin ekspresyonu bazı hücrelerin nukleus ve nukleusa yakın
bölgelerinde izlendi. MCF-7 hücrelerinde katenin ekspresyonu hücre membranında
lokalize idi, fosfo katenin ekspresyonu ise gözlenmedi. T47D hücrelerinde katenin
ekspresyonu hücre membranında lokalizasyon gösterirken, fosfo katenin ekspresyonu
az sayıda hücre membranında zayıf olarak izlendi. Hücrelerin proliferasyon düzeyi BrdU
isaretleyicisi kullanılarak immünositokimyasal olarak incelendiginde MDA-MB 231
hücrelerinin proliferasyon oranının en yüksek oranda oldugu gözlendi. En düsük
proliferasyon oranı ise T47D hücre soyunda tespit edildi.
Sonuç olarak, MDA-MB 231 hücre soyunda katenin ekspresyonunun nukleusta
lokalize olması ve proliferasyon hızının daha yüksek olması bu hücrelerin MCF-7 ve
T47D hücrelerine göre daha malign karakterde olmasıyla uyum göstermektedir. In this study the expression of ß catenin and phospho ß catenin were examined immunocytochemicaly in MDA-MB 231, MCF-7 and T47D breast cancer cell lines. In MDA-MB 231 cells ß catenin expression was observed in the nucleus. Phospho ß catenin expression was observed in the nucleus and perinuclear area of some cells. ß catenin expression was localized in the cell membrane in MCF-7cells,whereasphospho ß catenin expression wasn’t observed in these cells. In T47D cells, ß catenin expression was localized in the cell membrane and phospho ß catenin expression was weakly observed in the cell membrane of a few cells. We examined cell proliferation rate immunocytochemically using BrdU proliferation marker and we observed the highest proliferation rate in MDA-MB 231 cells. The lowest proliferation rate was observed in T47D cell lines.
In conclusion, higher proliferation rate and nuclear localization of ß catenin expression in MDA-MB 231 cells is compatible with its malign character compared to MCF-7 and T47D cells. In this study the expression of ß catenin and phospho ß catenin were examined immunocytochemicaly in MDA-MB 231, MCF-7 and T47D breast cancer cell lines. In MDA-MB 231 cells ß catenin expression was observed in the nucleus. Phospho ß catenin expression was observed in the nucleus and perinuclear area of some cells. ß catenin expression was localized in the cell membrane in MCF-7cells,whereasphospho ß catenin expression wasn’t observed in these cells. In T47D cells, ß catenin expression was localized in the cell membrane and phospho ß catenin expression was weakly observed in the cell membrane of a few cells. We examined cell proliferation rate immunocytochemically using BrdU proliferation marker and we observed the highest proliferation rate in MDA-MB 231 cells. The lowest proliferation rate was observed in T47D cell lines.
In conclusion, higher proliferation rate and nuclear localization of ß catenin expression in MDA-MB 231 cells is compatible with its malign character compared to MCF-7 and T47D cells.