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dc.contributor.authorFansa, Iyad
dc.contributor.authorKosem, Mesut
dc.contributor.authorKaratepe, Celalettin
dc.contributor.authorSezen, Adem
dc.contributor.authorKaratepe, Hilal Kuscu
dc.contributor.authorGoksel, Onur Selcuk
dc.descriptionKosem, Mesut/0000-0002-7913-6730en_US
dc.description.abstractRadiocephalic fistula (RCF) dysfunction is a common problem due to low maturation and patency rates of these fistulas. The most common procedure in such cases is to place a temporary catheter for the dialysis. Temporary catheter placement and undergoing dialysis with this catheter cause complications, reduce the chance for fistula, and deteriorate the quality of life. The aim of this study was to demonstrate that immediate intervention in RCF dysfunctions can increase fistula success for the patient and can reduce the need for a catheter. Furthermore, the hemodialysis treatment can continue without affecting the quality of life. A total of 295 patients who were admitted for RCF dysfunction and who underwent early surgical intervention without any catheter placement were evaluated for postoperative complications, patency rates, and rates and durations of temporary catheter use over a mean time of 47 months of follow-up (range: 4-79 months). Of the patients, 77.2% (n = 228) underwent new proximal anastomosis (NEO; the radial artery and cephalic vein were reached with an incision created proximal to the previous anastomosis), 14.2% (n = 42) underwent brachiocephalic arteriovenous fistula (AVF), 8.4% (n = 25) underwent side-to-side brachiobasilic AVF thorn super-ficialization of the basilic vein. In 88.8% (n = 262) of the patients, successful cannulations were performed within the first 24 to 48 hours without any catheter requirement or complications. Temporary catheter was used for 15.1 6 10.7 days in 11.2% (n = 33) of the patients. In RCF dysfunctions, early surgical interventions performed in the forearm and elbow provide early cannulation and thus decrease the catheter requirement, also prevent the complications of temporary catheters (infection, decreasing the fistula success, vascular injuries, etc.), increase the autogenous fistula success, and allow for the continuation of dialysis without disturbing the quality of life.en_US
dc.publisherInt College Of Surgeonsen_US
dc.subjectRadiocephalic fistulaen_US
dc.subjectVascular access dysfunctionen_US
dc.subjectEarly surgical interventionen_US
dc.subjectTemporary catheteren_US
dc.titleResults of Prompt Surgical Intervention in Hemodialysis Radiocephalic Fistula Secondary Dysfunctionen_US
dc.relation.journalInternational Surgeryen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.department-temp[Fansa, Iyad; Karatepe, Celalettin] Mustafa Kemal Univ, Fac Med, Dept Cardiovasc Surg, Antakya, Turkey; [Kosem, Mesut] Acibadem Univ, Dept Cardiovasc Surg, Istanbul, Turkey; [Sezen, Adem] Istanbul Bilim Univ, Hlth Sch, Istanbul, Turkey; [Karatepe, Hilal Kuscu] Korkut Ata Univ, Hlth Sch, Osmaniye, Turkey; [Goksel, Onur Selcuk] Istanbul Univ, Istanbul Med Fac, Dept Cardiovasc Surg, Istanbul, Turkeyen_US

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