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dc.contributor.authorOk, E.
dc.contributor.authorAydin Sayilan, A.
dc.contributor.authorSayilan, S.
dc.contributor.authorSousa, C.N.
dc.contributor.authorOzen, N.
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: HD unit is a noisy environment for patients, and noise can affect anxiety levels and sleep quality. Methods: The aim of the study is to determine noise level, the relationship between noise levels, and sleep quality and anxiety in patients in HD unit. A descriptive and observational study design was used. Three Benetech GM1351 manual sound-level meters were used to measure noise. A patient information form, the State Anxiety Inventory, and the modified Post-Sleep Inventory were used for data collection. Results: The noise range detected in the HD unit ranges from 48.40 to 72 dB(A). Our findings show that patients in the HD unit are exposed to high noise levels and the noise significantly negatively impacts quality of sleep and anxiety level of the patients. Conclusions: It is important to be aware that HD patients are constantly exposed to high levels of noise and to plan nursing interventions to reduce this noise level. © 2022 International Society for Apheresis and Japanese Society for Apheresis.en_US
dc.publisherJohn Wiley and Sons Incen_US
dc.titleNoise levels in the dialysis unit and its relationship with sleep quality and anxiety in patients receiving HD: A pilot studyen_US
dc.relation.journalTherapeutic Apheresis and Dialysisen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.department-tempOk, E., Freelance Researcher, Ankara, Turkey; Aydin Sayilan, A., Nursing Department, Kirklareli University School of Health Science, Kırklareli, Turkey; Sayilan, S., Internal Medicine Department, Medicine Faculty, Kirklareli University, Kırklareli, Turkey; Sousa, C.N., Nursing School of Porto, Porto, Portugal, Faculty of Medicine, CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal; Ozen, N., Florence Nightingale Hospital School of Nursing, Demiroglu Bilim University, Istanbul, Turkeyen_US

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