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dc.contributor.authorRuutu, Tapani
dc.contributor.authorPeczynski, Christophe
dc.contributor.authorHouhou, Mohamed
dc.contributor.authorPolge, Emmanuelle
dc.contributor.authorMohty, Mohamad
dc.contributor.authorKroeger, Nicolaus
dc.contributor.authorMoiseev, Ivan
dc.description.abstractThe current incidence, diagnostic policy, management, and outcome of VOD/SOS at EBMT centers were studied. All centers that had performed allogeneic HSCTs in adult patients within one defined year were invited to the study. Seventy-one centers participated with a total of 2886 allogeneic transplantations and 93 cases of VOD/SOS in 2018. The cumulative incidence of VOD/SOS at day 21 was 1.8% and at day 100 2.4%. Of 67 cases with detailed data, 52 were classical and 15 (22%) late onset (>day 21). According to the EBMT criteria, 65/67 patients had at least two VOD/SOS risk factors. The severity grades were: mild 0, moderate 3, severe 29, very severe 35. Fifty-four patients were treated with defibrotide. VOD/SOS resolved in 58% of the patients, 3/3 with moderate, 22/28 with severe, and 12/33 with very severe grade (p < 0.001). By day 100, 57% of the patients were alive; 3/3 with moderate, 22/29 with severe, and 13/35 with very severe VOD/SOS (p = 0.002). In conclusion, the incidence of VOD/SOS was low. Severe and very severe grades dominated. Very severe grade predicted poor outcome compared to severe grade further supporting the concept of early diagnosis and treatment to avoid a dismal outcome.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofBone Marrow Transplantationen_US
dc.titleCurrent incidence, severity, and management of veno-occlusive disease/sinusoidal obstruction syndrome in adult allogeneic HSCT recipients: an EBMT Transplant Complications Working Party studyen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.department-temp[Ruutu, Tapani] Helsinki Univ Hosp, Clin Res Inst, Helsinki, Finland; [Ruutu, Tapani] Univ Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; [Peczynski, Christophe] Hop St Antoine, Dept Hematol, EBMT, Transplant Complicat Working Party, Paris, France; [Houhou, Mohamed; Polge, Emmanuelle; Mohty, Mohamad] Sorbonne Univ, Hop St Antoine, Dept Hematol, EBMT, Paris, France; [Kroeger, Nicolaus] Univ Hosp Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; [Moiseev, Ivan] Pavlov Univ, RM Gorbacheva Res Inst, St Petersburg, Russia; [Penack, Olaf] Charite Univ Med Berlin, Dept Haematol Oncol & Tumor Immunol, Med Clin, Berlin, Germany; [Salooja, Nina] Imperial Coll, Ctr Haematol, London, England; [Schoemans, Helene] Univ Hosp Leuven, Dept Hematol, Leuven, Belgium; [Schoemans, Helene] Katholieke Univ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; [Duarte, Rafael F.] Hosp Univ Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda, Dept Hematol, Madrid, Spain; [Schroeder, Thomas] Univ Hosp, Dept Hematol & Stem Cell Transplantat, Essen, Germany; [Passweg, Jakob] Univ Hosp, Hematol, Basel, Switzerland; [Wulf, Gerald G.] Univ Med Goettingen, Dept Haematol & Med Oncol, Gottingen, Germany; [Ganser, Arnold] Hannover Med Sch, Dept Hematol Hemostasis & Oncol, Hannover, Germany; [Sica, Simona] Univ Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Fdn Policlin Univ A Gemelli IRCCS, Dipartimento Diagnost Immagini Radioterapia Oncol, Rome, Italy; [Arat, Mutlu] Demiroglen_US
dc.authoridKroger, Nicolaus/0000-0001-5103-9966
dc.authoridPeczynski, Christophe/0000-0002-3829-0088
dc.authoridSchoemans, Helene/0000-0002-7568-8239
dc.authoridMohty, Mohamad/0000-0002-7264-808X
dc.authoridSalooja, Nina/0000-0001-5668-9001

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