Clinical and Demographic Characteristics of Treatment Requiring Retinopathy of Prematurity in Big Premature Infants in Turkiye: Report No. 1 (BIG-ROP Study)
Introduction: The aim of the study was to analyse the clinical and demographic features of infants with gestational age (GA) of 32-37 weeks and birth weight (BW) of >1,500 g who developed treatment requiring retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Methods: Data on the infants with a GA of 32-37 weeks and BW >1,500 g who developed treatment requiring ROP (TR-ROP) were collected retrospectively from the 33 ROP centres in Turkiye. GA, BW, type of hospital, neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) level, presence of an ophthalmologist and neonatologist in the same hospital, length of stay in NICU, duration of oxygen therapy, comorbidities, type of ROP, and timing for TR-ROP development were analysed. Results: A total of366 infants were included in the study. Mean GA and BW were 33 1 weeks and 1,896 316 g, respectively. Duration of hospitalization was 3-4 weeks in 46.8% of them. The first ROP examination was performed at postnatal 4-5 weeks in 80.3% of infants, which was significantly later in level 2 and lower NICUs and non-university clinics. At the first ROP examination, any stage of ROP was detected in 90.9% and TR-ROP was detected in 15.3% of the infants. The mean postnatal week of TR-ROP development was 6.16 2.04. Conclusion: Routine ROP screening thresholds need to be expanded in hospitals with suboptimal NICU conditions considering the development of TRROP in more mature and heavier preterm infants. The first ROP examination should be earlier than the fourth postnatal week. 2024 S. Karger AG, Basel. © 2024 S. Karger AG. All rights reserved.
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